Monday, October 3, 2011

More Than 140 characters can handle.

Those aren't the 140 characters in my head, mind you.  There's so many more in there.  It's like the town of Clifton in this noggin.

Worry:  wedding planning.  I can't decide where to go for dinner if Beloved and I have the opportunity to dine outside 04428.  I'm worried I'll make the wrong choice (how is there a wrong choice??), so how much more does it sucketh that I have this same perception going into the planning of my Husband Bagging Party? 
  • I should be thinking:  I'm having a Husband Bagging Party!!!!  And it will be Somewhere!  On a Certain Day!  And I probably will only day drink once three times to get through these 365ish days until it happens!
I am trying to keep in the back of my backwoods head that this is just the party and in no way has any bearing on the marriage itself (unless I catch someone in a coat closet) and if something isn't just right, or someone is disappointed, it will be OKAY.  Unless that person is me.  So for my something new, I'm just suggesting the Cake flavored Vodka.

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